In collaboration with Patagonia, Upperquad and I designed a site to save Bears Ears, a national monument in Utah and also the ancestral home of various indigenous tribal groups who call this area their home. President Obama declared this area a monument in 2016 however, with the threat of the Trump administration seeking to remove protection rights, it is important now more than ever to educate yourselves and join the fight to protect Bears Ears.
With the help of Duct Tape Then Beer, who produced this great video content, tried to integrate the stories of the people tied to this monument in a seemless and immersive web experience.
02 — Branding Elements
Inspired by the etched on the cliffs like the Wolfman Panel, we designed various elements that would blend into cultural elements from the American southwest.
03 — Interactivity
The rest of the site utilizes a mix of unobtrusive and minimal UI cues to help the user flow from one immersive experience to the next. We equally wanted to convey the duality of nature and culture side by side on this site.
04 — VR
Not limited your regular web experiences, we also integrated 3D to make Bears Ears even more tangible for everyone to see. And don't worry, mobile users were kept in mind as everything on this site works as efficiently or better in the case of VR on mobile.